The changing of the seasons and the holidays bring fun times and activities into our lives, but also mark the beginning of a health concern: Flu season.

Flu season starts in the late Fall and runs through early Spring in some cases, so you want to be armed against this epidemic by doing several things to ensure your health stays at its optimal level. HAND WASHING is a primary deterrent against the flu. Taking vitamin supplements and getting extra rest during the holiday season also helps. Preventative maintenance also includes a preventative flu shot. Many employers and health care clinics offer them at no or little charge. For children especially, they even have a flu mist, so that the needle can be avoided.

Some simple things you can do in your house to prevent flu from spreading is use a bleach water mixture and spray countertops, doorknob handles, light switches, phones, and steering wheels of your car.

Influenza A is the most typical culprit in our fight to stay healthy, so when the outbreak in your area occurs, be ready. If you are in a career that requires close contact with people, a mask and sometimes rubber gloves can help protect you. If you, yourself, are feeling “under the weather” with fever, lethargy, chills, sore throat, or the like be sure and STAY HOME. You should get plenty of rest and stay home from work or school to insure you don’t pass the bug onto others.

There is a type of flu that affects the eyes called adenovirus. It can give you symptoms such as redness, watery, irritated eyes and blurred vision. Be sure and keep your immune system up with plenty of fluids, rest, vitamins, and exercise as well as eating healthy foods during the winter months to avoid, the flu, “achoo“, so you can take care of YOU!

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Fall brings a lot of fun, with Halloween bringing loads of it.

But did you know that some Halloween practices could harm your vision? Take Halloween contacts for instance. They are wildly fun with everything to monster eyes, goblin eyes, cat eyes, sci-fi or a glamour look. If properly fit by an eye care professional, they can be just the added touch you need for that perfect costume. However, some people do not realize that the FDA classifies contact lenses as a medical device that can alter cells of the eye and that damage can occur if they are not fit properly.

Infection, redness, corneal ulcers, hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the eye) and permanent blindness can occur if the proper fit is not ensured. Another concern that ICE, FTC, and FDA have are the illegal black market contacts that come into the country unchecked. Proper safety regulations are strictly adhered to by conventional contact lens companies to insure that the contact lenses are sterile and packaged properly and accurately.

Health concerns arise whenever black market, unregulated contacts come into the US market and are sold at flea markets, thrift shops, beauty shops, malls, convenient stores and the likes. These are sold without a prescribers prescription, and are illegal in the US. Buyer beware because these are the contacts that cause concern, after all, you don’t want to bargain shop on parachutes OR your eyes! There have also been reports of damage to eyes because Halloween Spook houses ask employees to share between shifts the same pair of Halloween contact lenses as they dress up for their costume.

Related article: Decorative contact lenses for Halloween could pose eye danger

So the take home message is, have a great time at Halloween, and enjoy the flare that decorative contacts can bring to your costume, but get them from a reputable venue and be fit by a eye care professional with a proper legal prescription. 

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